UPDATE: April 19, 2021
Ramadan began on April 13, 2021
Ramadan Calendar 2021 can be found in the right side menu or click here.
In case of emergencies please call:
Please consider donating during the month of Ramadan to help the masjid cover monthly expenses. You can donate using the links to the right or following this link to our Ramadan Campaign page.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
UPDATE: April 11, 2021
Ramadan begins on April 13, 2021
Due to the third lockdown Masjid occupancy is capped at a maximum of 35 people.
- No Tarawih prayer will be conducted in the Bosnian Islamic Centre. Pray Taraweeh at home.
- No breaking of fast or Iftar will be allowed inside the Masjid. Please break your fasts in your own vehicles before entering the Masjid. Masjid will not provide food of any kind.
- All daily prayers will be held following the above occupancy cap. No Sunnah prayers are allowed.
- All prayers are first come first serve, however if necessary Salat Isha will be offered more than once.
- Wear a mask inside the Masjid and bring your own prayer mat. Wudu and washroom areas are closed.
Ramadan Calendar 2021 can be found in the right side menu or click here.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
MASJID IS OPEN. See UPDATE (March 15th, 2021) below.
See Important UPDATE (March 16, 2021) regarding Jumuah registration here
UPDATE: January 11, 2021
Please Donate To Masjid Donation Campaign

Religious facilities have closed for daily prayers and programs to comply with government lockdown orders. The masjid’s Board of Directors are starting a new campaign for the month of December to ask for the community’s financial assistance during this month.
Bearing in mind that Allah (SWT) recalls in Surah Tawbah, verse 18: “The mosques of Allah are maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day“.
Our monthly expenses at the Mosque are approximately $7,500.
- You can donate here at the campaign website
- Use the Givepoint (https://givepoint.com/
bosnianislamiccentre ) website
If you experience technical troubles, please email (info at bictoronto dot com) and we will try to resolve problems ASAP Insha’Allah.
JazakAllah Khair,
Management of Bosnian Islamic Centre
UPDATE: March 16, 2021
Friday Jumuah Prayer Times
The masjid will host 2 Jumuah prayers every Friday starting from this Friday March 19th, 2021.
The first Jumuah prayer is at 1:30 PM, and will be a first come first served basis.
The second Jumuah prayer is at 2:30 PM and registration is required. You can register using The Masjid App on your smartphone device or using the online portal here: BIC Jumuah prayer registration link.
Please remember to bring your own prayer mat, wear face masks and maintain social distancing at all times in the masjid.
Thank you and we hope to see you soon Insha’ Allah.
UPDATE: March 15, 2021
Masjid Open for Daily Salah and Jumuah
The masjid as of Monday March 15th, 2021 is open at 15% capacity (maximum 34 individuals). The masjid will open doors at Athan time and will be open 40 minutes afterwards.
Please wear a mask at all times in the masjid, and bring your own Sajadah (prayer mat).
Wudhu and bathroom facilities are available with limited capacity. Shoe rack is available.
Please confirm with the checklist below that your are eligible to visit the masjid and have no symptoms.

Monday March 17, 2020
- Update Monday March 23, 2020: Lecture by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, including dua for protection.
Assalamu Aleykum wa Rahmatu Allah,
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.“
The Bosnian Islamic Centre is faced with making an extremely critical decision in these dire times. The safety of our community is of utmost importance and we are making decisions guided by the best advice of our Islamic scholars as well as the medical experts in the field of infectious diseases.
Based on the most recent information available to us we are making the difficult decision to suspend all congregational prayers for the public at our masjid, commencing this afternoon, until further notice.
We encourage all community members to follow the guidelines of public health officials and the scholarly opinions to remain at home in order to limit the spread of the highly contagious Covid-19 virus.
May Allah SWT protect our community and all of humanity from any harm and bless us with health and strength in our emaan.