“My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” زِدْنِى عِلْمًۭا

Islamic classes begin Saturday 14 September, 2024

Dear parents, esteemed brothers and sisters!

Children are a great blessing for parents, but also a great test and obligation. What is better and more precious than healthy, educated and well mannered children? While many admit this, very few parents watch over their children with this belief in mind.

Many parents believe their responsibilities from Allah to their children are fulfilled if they leave behind a house, apartment, cottage, or expensive car, while neglecting character and education.

However, let’s start with the assumption that not all parents are negligent and most care for the education and upbringing of their children.

The Holy Qur’an, through the example of the wise Luqman, teaches how to raise our children. “O my dear son! Never associate with Allah, for associating is truly the worst of all wrongs.” (Luqman, 13)

“O my dear son! ˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a mustard seed—be it ˹hidden˺ in a rock or in the heavens or the earth—Allah will bring it forth. Surely Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.” (Luqman, 16)

“O my dear son! Establish prayer, encourage what is good and forbid what is evil, and endure patiently whatever befalls you. Surely this is a resolve to aspire to.” (Luqman, 17)

“And do not turn your nose up to people, nor walk pridefully upon the earth. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant, boastful.” (Luqman, 18)

“Be moderate in your pace. And lower your voice, for the ugliest of all voices is certainly the braying of donkeys.” (Luqman, 19)

All of us who are fortunate to be parents should take the example of care and kindness Luqman showed to his children. It is difficult to understand why some parents believe their children, without any effort from the parent, will grow up into a good man or woman.

The Prophet (saw), our best role model, said that “A parent cannot leave an inheritance to his child better than beautiful Islamic upbringing.” (Tirmizi)

Who will teach children to be forthright and good people? Who will teach children to be honest employees and not just employees? Who will teach children to be responsible, trustworthy, honourable, honest, kind, and God fearing? Ultimately, who will teach our children to be moral?

What benefit is there for our children to be educated and productive in the dunya (current life), while they are neglectful of their akhira (the Hereafter).

This is where Islamic classes fill the need. Children learn the basics of their faith under the tutelage of a Mu’allim in the company of other Muslim children. Learning the Halal and Haram of our religion, developing beautiful Islamic behaviour while learning about their ancestral inheritance.

Islamic classes begin on Saturday, September 14th 2024.

We wish all our parents, children and Mu’allims much success in the coming Islamic year.

Board of Directors BIC